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[12.28.01 9:16 am]barry's going to be staying at my mom's house with me starting THIS sunday. wow.

normally, this would never be allowed, but since he's an "out-of-towner" AND i'm going to marry him, my mom thinks it's a perfectly nice idea.

i'm not complaining.

also, i'm going to be starting at a university in the summer or the fall of 2002 and we'll be living there.

in a town that i would NEVER choose to live, and with people i would probably never choose to be around, and for some reason this doesn't bother me.

because i'll have barry. i'll be married. and i'll be on my way to being done with obstacles i'm faced with now [college, mainly]. and then i can move wherever i want and be a teacher.

and then a politician. eventually.

it's just nice to be able to say that i KNOW where i'm going and how i'm going to get there, for once. i don't really know anyone else that can say that right now and be as sure of it as i am.

-�/� +

host / photos: the reunion show